District and Sessions Court Jobs 2022
7 March 2022
Bachelor, Intermediate, Master, Matric, Middle
05 April 2022
District and Sessions Courts
District and Sessions Courts, Peshawar
On this page, you will find information about vacancies in Peshawar District and Sessions Courts. Applicants interested in looking for government jobs in Peshawar must read this post. We have submitted this announcement of Peshawar Jobs 2022 from Daily Aaj newspaper from District and Sessions Courts. Interested applicants can download the application form from www.sessionscourtpeshawar.gov.pk.
Residents of Peshawar (men, women, minorities, and persons with disabilities) are requested to read this post which includes job as Assistant, Computer Operator, Typist, Junior Office Worker, Female Assistant, Telephone Operator, Driver and Driver. Opportunities exist.
A total of 129 jobs are open in 2022, including 63 junior clerk jobs, 22 computer operator jobs, and 32 stenographer typist jobs. Required applicants who meet the eligibility criteria below can submit applications before the deadline.
Vacancies in District and Sessions Courts Jobs:
Computer operator
Female assistant
Junior Clerk
Steno typist
Telephone operator
Qualification criteria:
Interested applicants residing in Peshawar District are eligible. These employment opportunities are open to Associate, Matric, Intermediate, Bachelors and Master’s degree holders.
Candidates who are interested in these career opportunities can read the post separately for the quality of their desired post. The age limit is also stated in the vacancy announcement.
How to apply for District and Sessions Court jobs?
Individuals who meet the eligibility requirements for the position and wish to apply can download the application form from www.sessionscourtpeshawar.gov.pk or click here.
You can complete the application form and submit it along with all the required documents to the Senior Civil Judge (Administrator), Peshawar.
The last date for receipt of applications from applicants is April 5, 2022.
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