Pak Army 502 Central Workshop EME Jobs 2021:

Pak Army 502 Central Workshop EME Jobs 2021:

Pak Army 502 Central Workshop EME Jobs 2021:
This platform is designed to serve you. As you know, this website provides a lot of information for the right jobs. Today we will give you job information for Pak Army 502 Central Workshop EME Jobs 2021. Numerous positions are available in Pak Army 502 Central Workshop EME Jobs 2021, such as HSM / Electrician AFV, HSM ACE, HSM Machining, HSM Blacksmith, HSM Welder,HSM Computer Technician, HS-I VMC Vehicle, HS-I Filter, HS-I Machining, HS-I Carpenter, HS-I Painter, HS-I ACE, Computer Technician HS-I, Boiler Operator (HS-II), Vehicle (SS-I VMA), Vehicle SS-I VMB, Vehicle SS-I VMC, SS-I Electronic Technician, SS-I EM Technician, SS-I ACE, SS-I Computer Technician, SS-I Vehicle Electrician, SS- I HVAC, SS-II Electronics Technician, Junior Draftman, Laboratory Technician, Research Assistant Grade-II, Data Entry Operator, Khatib, Qualified Boiler Operator, SS-IIACE, SS-II Electric Vehicle, Special Vehicle Driver, Fire Chief, Safety Supervisor, Cook Mess, Financial, Deputy Courier, Waiter and USM Labor. For all these positions it is necessary to apply for Intermediate, Matrix, Primary and related diplomas. The age of service in Army Jobs 2021 is between 18 and 30 years.

More job details:

Publication Date:
November 27, 2021
due date:
December 12, 2021


Department Name:
Pak Army 502 Central Workshop EME

Job Category:
Government jobs
Job type:
Full time

Age limit:
View ad
 Number of vacancies:
Required Documents:
01 passport size photo.
Photocopy of Identity Card / Form B (NADRA).
Photocopy of domicile certificate.
Photocopy of father’s CNIC.
All educational credentials.
Certificate of all experience.
How to apply?

1: Candidates should arrive at the following Pak Army 502 Central Workshop EME Jobs 2021 with certified duplicate copies, CNIC, certificate of residence experience and photographs where advertised.
2: On the other hand, online job application for jobs in Pak Army 502 Central Workshop EME Jobs 2021. Applicants who open the Army’s official website can apply.
3: Delayed or incomplete applications for jobs in Pak Army Jobs 2021 will not be accepted.
4: Candidates already working in the public sector should apply for jobs in Pak Army 502 Central Workshop EME Jobs 2021 through appropriate channels.
5: Candidates should bring the original certificate folder during the interview for Pakistan Army jobs.

Application deadline: 12 December 2021
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